"Yes it's kwacky again you ... " (more)folks don't gin this stuff up ima be callin you kwazie this is a no mistake bid from an amazing friendly seller i am so darn glad i found this child let me tell ya!!!!! ya better get it cause ima do a wipppppeeeeee ouuuuuutttttttt!!!!!!!"
Apr 2nd 2012, 12:44:00 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"Yooooo hooooo it's the kwa ... " (more)zie lady again but people listen up i am serious as a heart attack this stuff is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!!!!! and it's gets here ya know theres none of this my gramma sick, my bank account is low, i didnt make it to the post office ,im sicked my dogs missing no excuses no nuttin but good kick butt nailpolish that don't peel the first day you put it on =) bid bid bid gin gin gin what ya waiting for!!!!! it's awesomenessssss"
Apr 2nd 2012, 12:42:40 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"Thanks. Shades are a little off but to b ... " (more) e expected when dealing with camera/flash/computer monitor. But fabulous none the less! Thank you!"
Apr 2nd 2012, 11:42:05 AM PDT (almost 13 years ago)