"Very nice seller, I had no issues w ... " (more)ith this auction or collecting the random gift code. I won $3.00. Just the excitement of the mystery was worth it. DO NOT BID IF YOU EXPECT TO WIN TOP PRIZE just bease you bI'd high. This was defiantly random, and not RIGGED. BID, trust this seller!"
Apr 27th 2016, 6:47:40 PM PDT (almost 9 years ago)
"She was unhappy because she did not get the $ ... " (more)20 code, I gave her a working code of one of those amounts. Immature customer she should have not of bid. I am not a scam. Again this was a random drawing and she was expecting a $20 code. random. "
Apr 18th 2016, 3:37:44 PM PDT (almost 9 years ago)