"EXCITED AS HECK, My onions just arrived in the ... " (more) mail, well enough time to have them already planted. The bid was for 5 but received 6. Hope I planted them right, put them pretty much roots covered only in 6" pots and placing them in sunny window, but not overly sunny. Got soil good and wet before planting. So wish me luck and thank you so very much. I'm excited CAN YOU TELL!!!"
Oct 19th 2010, 10:47:58 AM PDT (over 14 years ago)
"LOL! I'm soo glad they arrived ok! Thes ... " (more)e are so easygoing I dont think you need any luck! :):):) I'm excited for you enjoy!! your so welcome!:)"
Oct 19th 2010, 10:58:36 AM PDT (over 14 years ago)
"Received today, package very beat up, ... " (more)plants dried out, but I know they came a long way. I will soak them in water & see what happens. :) Thank you."
"I'm a little disapointed of that, yes pl ... " (more)ant them any way, I've been suprised on thing that grew out of succulant that I thought were done. good luck! "