"Charges a ridiculous amount of credits has ... " (more)mail excuses then wont respond for a month and attempts to defraud you and keep your credits...SCAMMER"
Mar 27th 2017, 2:51:13 PM PDT (almost 8 years ago)
"I'm sorry this didn't work out I don& ... " (more)#39;t blame you, its mostly crap weather and UPS. if you still wanna send the book, or resend I guess, that's fine. take care"
Mar 19th 2017, 4:43:56 PM PDT (almost 8 years ago)
"I received the beautiful music ... " (more) box today ..i cant believe how fast it got here ..i am adding it to my collection ..thank you for putting it in the auction and may God continue to bless you my friend.."
Mar 18th 2017, 3:42:42 PM PDT (almost 8 years ago)