"Seller only put 1 first class stamp on the pac ... " (more)kage leaving me to pay $1.84 postage due and having to get to the post office to pick it up. Not only that, I entered a dispute and they denied the dispute. Then stated they have small children and can't afford the postage. Seller then stated they would send the money to compensate me for the postage due that I had to pay but of course I haven't received any money from them. "
May 3rd 2012, 5:06:31 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"So Glad you Got it Sorry it took so long b ... " (more)ut thats the only way i can afford free shipping is sending ot on the regular mail. Love to do this with you again very understanding woman "
Apr 16th 2012, 10:54:55 AM PDT (almost 13 years ago)