"GIN Nov 25th Stated would ship all ... " (more)3 auctions of items on Dec 1st, screenshots of messages show the truth! Very rude, condescending and immature! Calling names "Certified Nutjob" and using the term "If you had Common Sense". I have enough sense you are blocked. If 21 days go by you will lose pts!"
"Great you took screenshots lol ? Ok what ... " (more)now? And I stand by what I say. If you start acting irrational I will not send even if you live in the same state. You could be called immature as well for the way you handled this but oh well life goes on. Happy Holidays nutjob :))))"
"20 days later I had to request a re ... " (more)fund. Was supposed to send with the other auctions I won but refused to ship! Seems to be picking and choosing who to ship to. Maybe felt pts weren't enough? Very unfortunate! You should stick to your auction description/word! Welcome to the block party! "
"Auc. Desc. 1 week to make and ship. ... " (more) I waited 20 days and seller hadn't shipped. Wanted me to cancel refund request and lose my pts on day 21. Had to wait 5 days to be refunded. I told seller if they shipped items would arrive before the 5 day refund request grace period but they refused to ship. "