left positive feedback for
ptLp23 on Nov 5th, 2013 at 6:10 PM PST (over 11 years ago)
Make It For Your Cat: .FELINE FLEA PROOFING RECIPE(view item)
"im sure when dvd was pick up from postal service the 29th.here was no problem and wasnt dis-apointe ... " (more)d... i thought pretty fast delivery for it to b mailed that friday im sure it was just sitting @post office waiting for new owner....ty again scifilarry...:)"
"my email is ...short_show76@yahoo.com....so neve recievd download or if you could let me know catch ... " (more) phase to search mail and link will come righ up wit your photo to copy print of my own..please let me know or...?!"
"im kinna at no ends with this item auction never recieved any feed back or response to any post abo ... " (more)ut listed auction item...hope very few future disapointments when bidding again...ty."
left positive feedback for
ptLp23 on Aug 22nd, 2013 at 1:36 PM PDT (over 11 years ago)
Make It For Your Cat: . Flea Repellent Sleep Pillow RECIPE(view item)
"positive because electronicly.i really was anticiapating this model car.so there is no positive fee ... " (more)dback...:(hope you get back to allow my shipment of model car..."