"A+++++++ thank you kindly dear friend. 10 stars all the way. highly recommended to all. a true asse ... " (more)tt to listia. she is so kind and appreciated. check out her auctions they are lovely. may blessings pour down on you always. happy thanksgiving to all and god bless always dear friend ❤⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐❤⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"
"Block the drama queen! liar! cheat! total da! 55 emails sent to me in less than 24 hrs. files dispu ... " (more)tes before 7 days. 2nd time she did to me. almost 20 auctions!!. does it to others too! claims delivery date is shipping date really? buyer is a total wackjob. look in the mirror. your issues not mine!"