"Tremendously highly recommend and trusted AAA+++ seller! Stupendously fast and secure shipping! All ... " (more) items received are mint condition! Seller even included some righteous extras! Epic auctions! Very considerate,A1 listian! I'm very impressed yet again! Thank you so much!!!!!"
left positive feedback for
Levi395 on May 8th, 2021 at 5:25 PM PDT (almost 4 years ago)
US Stamps Mint OG NH 2-Cent Reds Scott 681 single(view item)
"Top notch AAA+++ highly trusted and recommend seller and all around great listian! Very thoughtful, ... " (more) proper, ultra fast and termendiously secure shipping! Awesome auctions! Item received in flawless condition and in a very nice protective case! I'm highly impressed! Thank you so much!"