"I used to play this space invaders game on my grandma's windows 92 computer, and i never knew t ... " (more)hat i would ever come across something like this it brings sooo many wonderful memories, im glad i won this wallet, because then i can use it where ever i go and still have the memories flowing through my mind again. Cant wait to get it!. The game was awesome but this wallet is even awesomer than the game itself. :D"
"Hi I love this music artist, I never knew they had bracelets, I thought they only had CDs. Im Sooo ... " (more)anxious I can't wait to get it in the mail and start wearing it. :D"
"i cant wait for it to come in the mail, i love this cutesy item!, i've tried to find cutesy ite ... " (more)ms like this i never was able too now i inally did, and won., how cute, very anxious. :D "