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Member since Jan 9, 2012
Last login Jan 11, 2025
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 329
Total listings completed: 329
Total listings w/ winner: 328
Feedback received: 1,330
Positive feedback: 1,316
Negative feedback: 0
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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WOOF~ ✰ I'm RESCUED ✰ Engravable Wag Tags ✰ DOG Tags with Attitude! ✰ BNIP! (view item)
WOOF! ✰ Perro Loco ✰ Crazy Dog en Español Spanish ✰ DOG Tags with Attitude! ✰ BNIP! (view item)
WOOF! ✰ RAINBOW Paw LGBTQ ✰ WAG TAGS ✰ DOG Tags with Attitude! ✰ BNIP! (view item)
positive feedback for
on Nov 24th, 2014 at 11:28 AM PST (over 10 years ago)
✰WoW! THREE Huge Air Plants ✰ Ball Moss w/seeds! ✰ You CAN grow these even if you kill plants! GIN! (view item)
WOW!~ ✰ DOG Pet Charms! ✰ PINK & Silver Rhinestone Skull ✰ Customize with ID info ✰ BNIP! (view item)
WOW!~ ✰ DOG Pet Charms! ✰ BLUE & Silver Rhinestone Skull ✰ Customize with ID info ✰ BNIP! (view item)
WOW!~ ✰ DOG Pet Charms! ✰ BLUE & Silver Rhinestone Skull ✰ Customize with ID info ✰ BNIP! (view item)
WOOF!~ ✰ Chien Lunatique ✰ Crazy Dog en Français ✰ DOG Tags with Attitude! ✰ BNIP! (view item)
WOOF!~ ✰ Perro Loco ✰ Crazy Dog en Español ✰ DOG Tags with Attitude! ✰ BNIP! (view item)
☆ Stunning Hematite and colored beads bracelet ☆ Mardi Gras? ☆ Great gift! GIN option! (view item)