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Member since Jan 19, 2012
Last login Oct 31, 2014
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Total listings: 6
Total listings completed: 6
Total listings w/ winner: 6
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Over 100 Skin&Hair (Easy+Inexpensive) Recipes to Make Your Own Beauty! LoW GiN! (view item)
2 how to/cookbooks Art of Sugarcraft Piping, Fresh Ways with Cakes (view item)
Pick any movie Destination Tokyo Gung Ho Left Behind, etc... (view item)
Three Texas Rangers Baseball Keepsake Hat Cap Pins Commemorative (view item)
(Free Shipping if bid gets to 400) Mary Kay 'Satin Hands' Complete Pampering Set Full-size unused (view item)
Makeup brushes - mini kabuki brush and 12 rainbow eye shadow applicators (view item)