left positive feedback for
hotwheels2030 on Aug 9th, 2012 at 9:22 AM PDT (over 12 years ago)
Star Wars - The Power Of THe Force - PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA(view item)
"i d k why you left me neutral when i won....you waited 20 days to tell me that you got something sa ... " (more)ying it got lost in the mail....dont wait peoples time all i said was to keep people updated which isnt hard to do and its not asking to much from you....."
"im so sorry i havent written the feedback but she is AMAZING !!! love my candles and i can not wait ... " (more) to bid on her items again. shes super fast at getting the product out in shipping so you can enjoy it asap !!!!!!!!!!!!!! thankyou !"
"Dont know what your problem is with only accepting paypal but you should include that in the descri ... " (more)ptions and if you dont include it you should let the person send it in the mail. "