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Member since Mar 17, 2012
Last login Mar 23, 2025
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20 ct 3" x 4" clear zip lock style recloseable poly bags - new, great for jewelry/crafts (view item)
12 white poly bubble envelopes #2 - 8 1/2" x 11" (view item)
5 white poly bubble envelopes #2 - 8 1/2" x 11" (view item)
20 ct 3" x 4" clear zip lock style recloseable poly bags - new, great for jewelry/crafts (view item)
20 ct 4"x6" clear zip lock style - recloseable poly bags - new, great for jewelry/crafts (view item)
10 white poly bubble envelopes #2 - 8 1/2" x 11" (view item)
Indoor wireless outlets with remote! Brand new! (view item)
5 white poly bubble envelopes #2 - 8 1/2" x 11" (view item)
5 white poly bubble envelopes #2 - 8 1/2" x 11" (view item)
20 ct 3" x 4" clear zip lock style recloseable poly bags - new, great for jewelry/crafts (view item)