left positive feedback for
Gwendolyne on May 24th, 2012 at 6:29 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
Keali'i Reichel Kamalei:Collection-Collection Two CD(view item)
"This is truly one of the all time very best Listia members and person I have come across in a long ... " (more) time!!!!! 5*****A+++AweSome all the way!! Very kind. thoughtful and friendly too!! Great work!!!! Fast shipping!! Packed really great!! Thoughtful, generous, and very professional!! Goes the extra mile, and did as she did 2 extra AweSome works of art for me at no charge at all!! WOW!!! GWeN is GReAT!! ;0) Thank you soooooooooooo much!! Always a friend!!! "