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Member since Aug 31, 2010
Last login Jan 27, 2019
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Simplicity sewing pattern #6436 New Look Skirts in Three Lengths, and Pants size 8-20 (view item)
Simplicity Pattern 1520 Child's, Teens' and Adults' Pants and Shorts XS-L / XS-XL (view item)
SIMPLICITY SEWING PATTERN #1238 Ruby jean closet Ellie The Elephant with Clothes & Carrying Case (view item)
SIMPLICITY SEWING PATTERN #1081 Stuffed Animals Bear, Fox, Racoon or Bunny Free shipping (view item)
Rag Quilt SIMPLICITY SEWING PATTERN #0171 monkey, horse or fox. Brand new uncut free shipping (view item)
NIP! Hot Wheels Muscle Mania 4/10 Green '68 El Camino (view item)
SIMPLICITY PATTERN #0172 Raggedy Ann & Andy Dolls Brand new uncut (view item)
Simplicity Sewing Pattern 0151 / 8018 / 0206 Misses' Girls' Fleece Ponchos Sm-Lg (view item)
SIMPLICITY SEWING PATTERN #6436 women's pants or skirt sizes 8-20 (view item)
SIMPLICITY PATTERN #2273 Baby Bibs Brand new uncut (view item)