"This auction was not a scam. I was moving homes. Didnt have internet for over a month or so. I did ... " (more)not mean to not send anything out. Everything happened when i least expected it. I am sorry for the inconvenience I have caused. "
"This auction was not a scam. The items are real. I was moving homes, didnt have internet access for ... " (more) over a month. I am sorry for it. But there was nothing i could do. Sorry."
"I apologize for the bad auction. I was not trying to scam anyone. I was in between moving homes, di ... " (more)dnt have any internet access. I fully apologize for it."
"little does anyone know i was in between moving houses.. couldnt afford anything.. but i apologize ... " (more)for never communicating.. but i didnt have any internet access.."