"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Bidder Thanks for Looking and Fast Addy Bless U for helping others also...AAAA ... " (more)AAAAAAAAAAAAaa Thanks Great Bidder all the way ! AAAAAAAAAAAA Please let me know when you do recieve these there.Come back anytime Thanks so much Trusted Listia Fan ! Steve,Ky"
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dodge8955 on May 7th, 2012 at 6:29 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
Swept Away body spray Designer Imposters(view item)
"great bidder AAAAAAAAA fast Addy and great Bidder and thanks so much and I did get these out today ... " (more)also...Bless U will ge the other auction out to u also asap..Thanks Again Ricky Bless U ! Steve,Ky"