left positive feedback for
lisaziller on Dec 25th, 2014 at 5:05 AM PST (about 10 years ago)
NIP 5 Head Pet Laser Toy 5 Different heads(view item)
"EVERYONE GO FAN THIS LADY....SHE IS A GEM! ! ! Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention... ... " (more)..Negative feedback (for me) is totally unnecessary but some people must love to do that. We can settle almost all issues by ourselves...we just have to communicate the problem LIKE YOU JUST DID. Neda"
left positive feedback for
deikeldaley on Jan 19th, 2015 at 4:11 AM PST (about 10 years ago)
Eight (8 Bags) 12" x 15.5" Poly Bag~ Mailers Envelopes Self Seal Shipping Bags(view item)
"Awww! Teddy is just the cutest......I love him...If the baby doesn't like Teddy ....I'll t ... " (more)ake him back. HA ! Thanks for making him for me. This is just super. Neda"