"After a long wait finally received item and it had been sent when she said. However, she was rude ... " (more)to me when messaging about not getting it yet and could not even apologize for calling me a liar even after I apologized to her. Will not deal with again. I won't deal with rude people. RubyKay2012"
"This was a great offer. Unfortunately found out my son was over the 3 month old limit but I still g ... " (more)ot a free can of his type of formula sent as well as coupons and special offers for Enfamil. Great auction! Great Listian!! Thanks so much!! :) RubyKay2012"
"Great Seller!! Gave me a tracking number...Postal service was slow with this one but at NO fault of ... " (more) the seller!! I was able to track the entire time and she communicated with me through the whole process. Very friendly! A+++++ Seller!! Great Listian! :)RubyKay2012"