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Member since Sep 19, 2012
Last login Jul 2, 2016
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 8
Total listings completed: 8
Total listings w/ winner: 8
Feedback received: 6
Positive feedback: 5
Negative feedback: 1
Percent positive feedback: 83%
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neutral feedback for
on Oct 3rd, 2012 at 10:24 PM PDT (about 12 years ago)
There's BACON! Olde Fashion Herritage Cheese and Onion Pie with BACON! (view item)
There's BACON! Olde Fashion Herritage Cheese and Onion pie, with BACON! (view item)
There's BACON!! Olde fashion Herritage English Cheese and Onion Pie with BACON! (view item)