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Member since Oct 2, 2012
Last login Feb 7, 2016
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 46
Total listings completed: 46
Total listings w/ winner: 46
Feedback received: 93
Positive feedback: 92
Negative feedback: 0
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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2g 2 gauge plugs hooks talons spirals HUGE LOT(possibly) (view item)
MTG Magic the Gathering 8 card lot. Rares and Uncommons (view item)
Yu-Gi-Oh card. Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings Limited Edition from Shonen Jump (view item)
MTG Magic the Gathering Enter the Infinite Mythic Rare + 2 uncommons (view item)
MTG Magic the Gathering 13 Gold/Hybrid Rares (view item)