"I'm glad you like the necklace I will be listing more later on and these are just as beautiful ... " (more)as that one thank you so much enjoy it hun"
"Thank you so much for bidding on my site.. You are my fan and family on my Listia. I will be lis ... " (more)ting 14k gold and a lot more. Again thank you. debchar8"
left positive feedback for
cherrigirl50 on Aug 27th, 2015 at 3:40 PM PDT (over 9 years ago)
Bangles from India,beautiful with stones.(view item)
"Thank you for watching my site. I will be listing other jewelry one will be 14k gold not plated nec ... " (more)klace. Called the tornado it's beautiful. Again thank you. Debchar8"
"I Love this stylus you did pick out the right one i really like it, thank you so much. You also shi ... " (more)pped that out fast. I will be watching for more. Again thank u. debchar8."