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Member since Nov 12, 2012
Last login May 24, 2017
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Total listings: 976
Total listings completed: 950
Total listings w/ winner: 896
Feedback received: 1,110
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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GORGEOUS Elven Leaf Brooch Necklace - Lord of the Rings (view item)
**AWESOME** Dr. Who's Sonic Screwdriver necklace! (view item)
Personalized Hand Stamped Customizable "Name Tags" (view item)
HTF Lego Minifigure Series 13 Snake Charmer (view item)
Harry Potter- Hermione's Time Turner! BEAUTIFUL Golden Hourglass Necklace with Rotating Rings (view item)
**BEAUTIFUL** Lord of the Rings Collector's One Ring! Size 7, 8, 9 or 10, brand new! (view item)
Harry Potter- Hermione's Time Turner! BEAUTIFUL Golden Hourglass Necklace with Rotating Rings (view item)
***BEAUTIFUL*** Arwen's Evenstar Necklace Lord of the Rings - New (view item)
**BEAUTIFUL** Lord of the Rings Collector's One Ring! Size 7, 8, 9 or 10, brand new! (view item)