left positive feedback for
iloverocknroll84 on Jul 17th, 2012 at 11:09 AM PDT (over 12 years ago)
**LOWERED GIN**LG Xenon** AT&T **Free Shipping With GIN** (view item)
"this person has feedback rating that is continuing to drop because of their unreliable ways. 1) ... " (more)seller had me retract payment and send to alternate email "im sorry that is not the paypal please ask for a refund. im really really sorry:( it is califshaker1958@yahoo.com May 1st, 2012 at 5:43:38 PM PDT (28 days ago) by kvapnar" address. (THIEF ALERT!) NOW REFUSES TO REPAY SHIPPING 2)seller stated item to be sent out next day with tracking number "got it! ty iwill send out tomorrow w tracking/conf number. May 3rd, 2012 at 1:14:18 AM PDT (26 days ago) by kvapnar" after 10 days of no item, i requested tracking number "where is the tracking. no item and i sent money for shipping already. May 8th, 2012 at 3:30:44 PM PDT (21 days ago) by you" no response. 3)after 11 days i left this message "youv'e come a long way, negative feedback now is gonna suck, but no item and no communication + negative feedback May 9th, 2012 at 3:18:54 PM PDT (20 days ago) by you" 4) their next responses (LIAR ALERT!) >>>"Iam sorry iv been moving and havnthad achanceto getto my packing supplies I can send outtomorrowor I can give u credits back.havnthad internet til tomorrow May 9th, 2012 at 4:11:32 PM PDT (20 days ago) by kvapnar" <<<<>>>>"i had no internet access and i just finished moving. if you like i can refund credits and s&h. but i do not want negative feedback! i still have the phone so let me know if u want me to send still or refund credits? ty May 10th, 2012 at 1:06:15 PM PDT (19 days ago) by kvapnar"<<<<<(THIEF ALERT)"since you sent the s&h as a gift i cannot print up your shipping label. so i will have to go to post office tomorrow if you dont want to wait just ask for refund of credits and i will give them to you. im really sorry about this but its stuff that was out of my hands. thank u for being patient with me. i will also refund your s&h. ty May 10th, 2012 at 6:30:07 PM PDT (19 days ago) by kvapnar" >>>>(LIAR ALERT)>>>>"dropped in box. im really sorry about the delay. this is not my usual service :( i hope you forgive me? ty for your patience. May 13th, 2012 at 12:12:07 AM PDT (16 days ago) by kvapnar"<<<<< as you can see, seller claimed to have mailed item 3 times! here are my replies to all these LIES she was sending. you can see the timestamps. A)"where is the tracking. no item and i sent money for shipping already. May 8th, 2012 at 3:30:44 PM PDT (21 days ago) by you
send phone and tracing you offered prior tomorrow and it will work well. i will check tracking next day to verify May 9th, 2012 at 11:31:44 PM PDT (19 days ago) by you
youv'e come a long way, negative feedback now is gonna suck, but no item and no communication + negative feedback May 9th, 2012 at 3:18:54 PM PDT (20 days ago) by you
12 friggin days" SEND PHONE PRIORITY , YOU will receive positive feedback but must get here soon. i already bought parts phone from ebay May 10th, 2012 at 2:57:37 PM PDT (19 days ago) by you (mind you this is after being told several time that item was shipped, going to be shipped and dropped in box. fortunately had several other phones to work so this tardy shipping wont affect good feedback May 13th, 2012 at 12:16:30 AM PDT (16 days ago) by you NOW SELLERS TRUE COLORS SHOW, remember, seller claims to have shipped item 3 times already. seller now gets ugly. just ask for a refund!! May 13th, 2012 at 2:24:56 PM PDT (16 days ago) by kvapnar
no prob. May 13th, 2012 at 10:26:48 PM PDT (15 days ago) by you
when r u going to ask for credits back? i cannot refund them until u ask for them back! ur leaing me bad feedback anyways so why wait!! May 19th, 2012 at 1:13:21 AM PDT (10 days ago) by kvapnar
no, you said you were sending phone so no need for bad feedback. you've built your reputation well, so get the phone to me and you will receive positive feedback. ou have this and prior email, both sating this fact and you can show this to listia. just make sure that there is a tracking number. May 19th, 2012 at 11:10:59 AM PDT (10 days ago) by you
i only leave negative feedback if i do not receive the item. May 19th, 2012 at 11:11:48 AM PDT (10 days ago) by you
kvapnar, some of her email (HATER ALERT) kvapnar It was u!! r u soooo ignorant that u have to call people names??!! i bet ur gay and a woman hater!!! i said leave me alone before i file criminal charges against u!!!!
ur the most rediculous inmature gay man that has no concept of people make mistakes!! you must think ur perfect!! not!! obviously you cant read!! ISAID LEAVE ME ALONE!! 5/21/2012 3:42 PM (8 days ago), you wrote to kvapnar : Re: read better
kvapnar noone stole a thing!! im not a mister!! c how smart u arent!! and yep i got a few screws loose!! but im not stupid!!
kvapnar ur so ignorant! i happen to have a transexual step dad and we get along great! it appears to me that u r the woman hater! now once again leave me alone!! freaky!
kvapnar (LEFT ME NEUTRAL FEEDBACK) (for your smart mouth info im attending my 3rd yr of college ty!! u r the rudest person iv seen on here and my feedback was the truth!! quit contacting me!ty
honestly how dare you with your smart a-- remarks like braindead read better can kiss my a--!!! how dare you speak to me like that you fkn redneck s-- of a ----h!!! maybe if u spoke proper english or be a lil more polite it wouldnt be so bad!!! i dont care what kind of feedback u leave me!! do what u have to do!! u must think your the sh--!! go for it!! I TOLD YOU TO ASK FOR CREDITS BACK WHAT R U WAITIN FOR !!! PUN-
lil side note i from bay area and stepdad is transexual. been around them all my life. u just have characteristicts of a gay hater."
left positive feedback for
Geo4 on Dec 12th, 2011 at 2:53 PM PST (over 13 years ago)
New BLACKBERRY PEARL BATTERY OEM 8100 8120 8130 8220 C-M2 CM2 (view item)
"i already did this once. seller should have already received credits a week ago. anyway and once ag ... " (more)ain: excellent deal. phone is nice, have to apply little extra pressure on touch screen but overall, an excellent deal"