left neutral feedback for
cathybixby1 on Dec 20th, 2016 at 7:06 PM PST (over 8 years ago)
Olay Fresh Outlast Crisp Pear & Fiji Apple Body Wash - 23.6 oz(view item)
"Your item came, you didn't trust that it was on the way there, i had tracking and you still fil ... " (more)ed a dispute even after it said out for delivery at the exact same time you filed. And bonus you tried to tell me the Post Office told you they had no clue where it was."
left positive feedback for
cathybixby1 on Oct 14th, 2016 at 8:41 PM PDT (over 8 years ago)
Caress Fine Frangrance Love Forever Body Wash(view item)
"I'm happy you like it hun.... It had the measurements listed but sometimes we just picture thin ... " (more)gs bigger in our mind. Thanks again... A+++ Listian"