"I just received it today and My girl loves it!! At first I was unsure if it was the one until we fl ... " (more)ipped it over! Thank you for such for this beautiful piece. Also I want to thank your the earring set as well!!!!"
left positive feedback for
mountainhoosier on Oct 23rd, 2017 at 2:02 PM PDT (about 7 years ago)
NOLAN RYAN 1993 Pinnacle Baseball card #75 TEXAS RANGERS(view item)
"I received the card today and I have to say that it did arrive on good terms However you did not se ... " (more)parate the two cards that I won from you. This card has a bend on one of the corners. I collect cards that I want and I expect them to not be damaged. Pleas work on this!"
"I wished that the card had arrived and I did allow plenty of time but to no avail the Pristine card ... " (more) that I won has never showed up. Thank you for refunding my credits."
"I just received the graded Card and along with te extras that you packed with it! Thank you for the ... " (more) cards! I look forward to bidding on more auctions!"