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Member since Jan 8, 2013
Last login Apr 11, 2014
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Total listings: 25
Total listings completed: 25
Total listings w/ winner: 25
Feedback received: 42
Positive feedback: 42
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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MTG, Magic the Gathering: M14, Rare Foil, Sanguine Bond (view item)
MTG Magic the Gathering: Return to Ravnica, Rare, Desecration Demon (view item)
MTG Magic the gathering; M14 Buy a box promo Foil Rare, Ratchet Bomb (view item)
MTG Magic the gathering: M14, Rare, Lifebane Zombie (view item)
MTG Magic the gathering: Return to Ravnica rare Underworld Connections (view item)
MTG magic the gathering: Scars of Mirrodin Mythic Rare Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon (view item)
Thorncaster Sliver - Rare - M14 - MTG Magic the Gathering - Free Shipping (view item)
MTG magic the gathering:M14 2014 Rare Bogbrew Witch plus two companion cards (view item)
MTG magic the gathering 2013 M13 rare Wit's End (view item)