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Member since Mar 13, 2013
Last login Mar 23, 2025
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 256
Total listings completed: 208
Total listings w/ winner: 208
Feedback received: 27,895
Positive feedback: 27,884
Negative feedback: 2
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Vintage Unused Postcard: Michigan: Swimming Pool, Boyne Mountain Lodge, Boyne Falls (view item)
Vintage Unused Postcard: Michigan: Eastgate Shopping Center, Roseville (view item)
Vintage Unused Postcard: Michigan: Riverside Restaurant, Cheboygan (view item)
Vintage Unused Postcard: Michigan: Keweenaw Central Railway, Calumet (view item)
Vintage Unused Postcard: Michigan: Kellogg's, Battle Creek (view item)
Vintage Unused Postcard: Pennsylvania: Grand Canyon of PA at Bradley Wales (view item)
Vintage Unused Postcard: Utah: Monument Valley (view item)
Vintage Unused Postcard: Utah: Highway 160 near Moab (view item)
Vintage Unused Postcard: Pennsylvania: Greetings from Harrisburg (view item)
Vintage Unused Postcard: Ranch Scene, Elk City, OK (view item)