"Just received the planner this afternoon in the mail. I LOVE IT!! It turned out GREAT that it got h ... " (more)ere before 12/25/1 because now it's a wonderful x-mas gift to me. Thanks for the listing! YOU HAVE A VERY MERRY X-MAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"
"I received the item just a few days ago. Sorry I didn't have time ti go on line. My son was sic ... " (more)k & found out he had Influenza A (the contagious one). So you can see my plate had been pretty full. I'm sure my son is going to LOVE this when he opens it up at x-mas time. Thanks for great auction!!"
"Really liked the watch. Husband got to mailbox before me so he opened it. Guess he's with one l ... " (more)ess x-mas present at x-mas time. Lol!!! Thanks for the auction!!"
"Just received. Disk in excellent condition. Will be a GREAT X-MAS PRESENT for my husband since he ... " (more)39;s a harley davidson rider. Thanks for the FANTASTIC AUCTION!! CINDI"