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Member since Feb 17, 2011
Last login Sep 9, 2015
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Total listings: 594
Total listings completed: 551
Total listings w/ winner: 487
Feedback received: 520
Positive feedback: 502
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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`ooOOoo` Glit`ZY Red Top! Size M! Hot*N*Sexy! LOW Ship! **L00K** (view item)
..:: Kitty Cat ::.. TWO Frames PLUS Knik Knak! So cute! LOW ship!!! (view item)
WOW... 6 Pair *COLORFUL BUM BUMS* 6-24 Months -Only $2 Ship! (view item)
**BRAND NEW** Wooden Handle Purse! `CUTE` ~*WITH Extras*~ LOW ship! COME L00K!! (view item)
Scrapbooks & Crafts... `Ohhh LOOK` BIG BOOKS... Full of IDEAS and Designs! (view item)
NEW and FREE... Baby girl socks! With yellow roses! **WOW** (view item)
**OMG** PURSES GALORE!!!! **YOU CHOOSE** Surprize BONUS! LOW Ship! **PURSE LOVERS LOOK** (view item)
**GENUINE LEATHER** Card/Photo Holder! *LOOK* Yummy Green Color! ONLY $2 SHIP! (view item)