"Thank you so very much for selling these! This reminds me so much of my 25th wedding anniversary tr ... " (more)ip to California! Thanks for some great stickers so that I can decorate those pages! Thanks too for the sweet bonus! Highest recommendations for this seller!"
"Thank you so very much for such a quality item! I'll love decorating some of my menfolk's p ... " (more)ages with these! A seller with a lot of integrity! Highest recommendations!"
"Thank you so much! And I love that you protected the stickers with the piece of cardboard - that wa ... " (more)s very considerate of you to do!! My daughter was super excited when she saw the stickers!! "
left positive feedback for
KariLody on May 21st, 2014 at 6:17 PM PDT (almost 11 years ago)
Stickers - Ballerina 3D Embellishments for Scrapbooking(view item)
"Such a dear wonderful friend and seller! Love this stickers! I can't wait to use them on my hus ... " (more)band's scrapbooking pages! This will look awesome! Thanks for selling such a fun item that will add a lot! Recommend seller!"