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Member since May 9, 2013
Last login May 25, 2016
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Total listings: 122
Total listings completed: 122
Total listings w/ winner: 105
Feedback received: 273
Positive feedback: 273
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Used Cape Costume Sewing Pattern Sz. LRG/xLRGFREE ship w/GIN (view item)
Use Up Those Scraps! Hanging Dishtowel and Cloth pattern (view item)
Halloween Costume Sewing Pattern: Medieval Dress (view item)
Halloween Costume or Cosplay Sewing Pattern (view item)
PATTERN Renaissance Medieval Royal Lady in Waiting COSTUMES (view item)
**STAMPIN' UP** Pretty Star Rubber Stamp - Simple and cute! (view item)
UNCUT Simplicity Renaissance Ladies Wench Clothing 10 12 14 Size (view item)