left positive feedback for
RecipeWomanChef on Jul 4th, 2013 at 1:49 PM PDT (over 11 years ago)
Curious Cream Cheese Chocolate Chip Cookies now at 0 Starting Bid(view item)
"Thank you for the kind words ヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノ It helps that you have some good sounding recipies and they ... " (more)look appetizing and appealing to the eye. "Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get" - W.P. Kinsella" "
left positive feedback for
RecipeWomanChef on Jul 3rd, 2013 at 1:36 PM PDT (over 11 years ago)
Indulgent Ice cream In A Bag~ Kid Fun at 0 Bid Start(view item)
"Thank you! So happy I won this! LOL what was the "Super surprise"? The amount of credits ... " (more)spent? I was determined to win it ヽ(•‿•)ノ "Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get" - W.P. Kinsella""