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Member since May 24, 2013
Last login Dec 18, 2024
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Total listings: 459
Total listings completed: 392
Total listings w/ winner: 383
Feedback received: 580
Positive feedback: 579
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Rwanda: 1966, Echinops amplexiculis, Flowers, MMNH-OG, Scott # RW-251 - RWA-5000c (view item)
Ireland: 2002, Song Thrush, Used, Scott # IE-152 - IRE-4110g4 (view item)
Romania: 1969, Dahlia, Garden Flowers, Used, Scott # RO-1627 - ROM-5000c (view item)
Romania: 1964, Orange Blossoms, MLH-OG-CTO, Scott # RO-1628 - ROM-5000d (view item)
Czechoslovakia: 1973, Iris, Used, Scott # CS-1893 - CZE-5000c (view item)
United States: 1995, Rudbeckla, Garden Flowers, Used, Scott # 2997 - US-5001c (view item)
Poland: 1971, Irises from "The Elements" by Wysplanski, Used, Scott # PL-1834 - POL-4100k (view item)
Hungary: 1971, Romanian Peony, MNH-OG, Scott # HU-2096 - HUN-3700d (view item)
United States: 1990, Short-Beaked Common Dolphin, Sea Creatures Issue, Scott # 2511 - US-5313d (view item)
Polish: 1981, Easter Cactus, Flowering Succculents, Used, Scott # PL-2599 - POL-5002c (view item)