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Member since May 29, 2013
Last login May 30, 2018
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Total listings: 492
Total listings completed: 489
Total listings w/ winner: 439
Feedback received: 660
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Mtg magic the gathering, rare, holo, uncommons (view item)
Mtg magic the gathering, rare, holo, uncommons (view item)
Mtg magic the gathering Planeswalker mythic rare, rare, uncommons, holo commons (view item)
Mythic rare, special cards, planes walkers etc. Magic the gathering mtg (view item)
Magic the gathering, mtg mythic rares, holo rares, etc. (view item)
Magic the gathering mtg mythic rare, holo rare etc. Auction. (view item)
Dungeons and dragons essentials dungeon tiles master set + guide book (view item)
Mythic rare, holo rare, promo cards, etc. Magic the gathering mtg (view item)
Riku of Two Reflections, mtg magic the gathering (view item)