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Member since May 29, 2013
Last login May 30, 2018
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 492
Total listings completed: 489
Total listings w/ winner: 439
Feedback received: 660
Positive feedback: 655
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Magic the Gathering MTG - Reach of Branches (Morning Tide) RARE (view item)
Magic the Gathering MTG - Orchard Warden (Morningtide) UNCOMMON (view item)
Magic the Gathering MTG - Thorntooth Witch (Lorwyn ) UNCOMMON (view item)
Magic the Gathering MTG - Turtleshell Changeling (Lorwyn) UNCOMMON (view item)
Magic the Gathering MTG - Primal Command (Shards of Alara) RARE (view item)
Magic the Gathering MTG - Leaf-Crowned Elder (Morningtide) RARE (view item)