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Member since Jun 13, 2013
Last login Jan 5, 2018
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Total listings: 490
Total listings completed: 490
Total listings w/ winner: 475
Feedback received: 908
Positive feedback: 897
Negative feedback: 6
Percent positive feedback: 99%
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Think Christmas, Get your gifts now, free shipping. KRE-O, Kreon Warriors. Brand New (view item)
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positive feedback for
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10 Fuze 12 pack My Coke Rewards codes, worth 10 points each, for a total of 100 points (view item)
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BNIP Blu-Ray Movie > Elephant White with Djimon Hounsou & Kevin Bacon > FREE SHIPPING (view item)
Cute & Adorable New Silver Plated Kitty Earrings , Great For Cat Lovers (view item)