"AWFUL. I would be SO Embarrassed to have sent anything like this! NO Communication. Had 2 file a Cl ... " (more)aim to get a Response. Literally Received a BAG of DIRT RUST JUNK Garbage. Even the Mailing package was honestly DISGUSTING. The Postman was like WHAT Is this, FILTHY - Waste of $$ Embarrassing!"
left positive feedback for
Bezerker on Oct 31st, 2024 at 12:52 PM PDT (4 months ago)
New Mummy Women's 2 pc Pajama Sleep Set Top/Bottoms,Size M(view item)
"Leaving neutral feedback because we had a hurricane that destoryed our home and couldn't mail a ... " (more) free $4 item... wow, it speaks to your character! will def. block this person, i just knew they would leave this fb just because they feel like a keyboard warrior. how sad!!!"