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Member since Apr 1, 2011
Last login Oct 4, 2016
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Total listings: 271
Total listings completed: 271
Total listings w/ winner: 267
Feedback received: 408
Positive feedback: 397
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Percent positive feedback: 99%
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40 Box Tops for Education and 5 Labels for Education! 3 Day Auction! [Will add more as I find them] (view item)
$10 eGift Card (Winner's Choice) Chance to Win a Physical Gift Card (Read Description) 3 Day Auction (view item)
Random Lot of 7 Manga Books! (Shaman King, Alice 19th, Kare Kano, etc.) Free Shipping! (view item)
Manga Lot of 6 Books!! (Mugen Spiral, La Corda d'Oro, and Backstage Prince) Free Shipping! (view item)
20 My Coke Reward Points!! (Codes from 12-packs) (view item)