"Worst Listian ever... I had to not only file a dispute but I also had to wait almost a month to get ... " (more) my credits back because the seller decided to go against the dispute at the last minute and I had to wait for the moderator to finally side with me and give me my credits back..."
"Worst Listian ever... I had to not only file a dispute but I also had to wait almost a month to get ... " (more) my credits back because the seller decided to go against the dispute at the last minute and I had to wait for the moderator to finally side with me and give me my credits back..."
"Worst Listian ever... I had to not only file a dispute but I also had to wait almost a month to get ... " (more) my credits back because the seller decided to go against the dispute at the last minute and I had to wait for the moderator to finally side with me and give me my credits back..."
"Worst Listian ever... I had to not only file a dispute but I also had to wait almost a month to get ... " (more) my credits back because the seller decided to go against the dispute at the last minute and I had to wait for the moderator to finally side with me and give me my credits back..."
"Worst Listian ever... I had to not only file a dispute but I also had to wait almost a month to get ... " (more) my credits back because the seller decided to go against the dispute at the last minute and I had to wait for the moderator to finally side with me and give me my credits back..."
"Sorry for the late feedback. I didn't realize that I hadn't left any for you yet. Thank you ... " (more) for sending this out and it is a great addition to our collection =)"