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Member since Jul 30, 2013
Last login Oct 13, 2016
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 130
Total listings completed: 130
Total listings w/ winner: 129
Feedback received: 481
Positive feedback: 471
Negative feedback: 1
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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1920 U.S. Stamp - SC549 - Landing of the Pilgrims Two Cent - Unused, HR, OG (view item)
1920 U.S. Stamp - SC548 - The "Mayflower" One Cent - Unused, HR, OG (view item)
1913 U.S. Stamp - SC398 - Panama Canal Two Cent - Used, NH, NG (view item)
1913 U.S. Stamp - SC397 - Balboa One Cent - Used, HR, NG (view item)
1901 U.S. Stamp - SC305 - Garfield 6 Cent - Used, NH, NG (view item)
1937 U.S. Airmail Stamp - C22 - China Clipper 50 Cent - Unused, NH, OG (view item)
1926 U.S. Airmail Stamp - C10 - Spirit of St. Louis 10 Cent - Unused, NH, OG (view item)
1954 U.S. Stamps - SC1059a - Paul Revere 25 Cent Coil Set - Mint, Unused, NG, OG (view item)
1893 U.S. Stamp - SC230 - Columbus in Sight of Land One Cent - Unused, HR, OG (view item)