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Member since Aug 6, 2013
Last login May 7, 2018
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Total listings: 282
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Total listings w/ winner: 255
Feedback received: 346
Positive feedback: 331
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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positive feedback for
on Jan 27th, 2015 at 5:02 PM PST (about 10 years ago)
Heirloom Broccoli, GA Collards, Tendergreen Mustards, American P-top Rutabaga & Polk 25seeds each (view item)
White/Red Habanero/Yellow scorpion/yellow 7 pot-Super Hot Pepper Seed Mix! 20+ Seeds (view item)
Natural Herb Lobelia Inflata "Indian Tobacco" Seeds 25+ (view item)
Prunella vulgaris aka Heal-All (Self-Heal) seeds 12+ (view item)
300 stick pack of scented incense over 100 fragrances to chose (view item)