"Sarah was a lovely lady to work with on this auction. I hope she finds other items in my upcoming ... " (more)auctions. She won two items in the same category. The post office made a speedy delivery..even with Thanksgiving in the time slot. Every seller wants bidders like Sarah. "
left positive feedback for
srbear8402 on Nov 29th, 2014 at 1:18 AM PST (over 10 years ago)
Avon Mother Goose Rhyme Collectible Soaps: Little Jack Horner(view item)
"Sarah was a wonderful auction bidder, and won two in the same category. Due to an accident I had.. ... " (more)physical...I was later than my usual speedy delivery process, and she was very kind and patient with me. The P.O. helped me make up with speedy delivery. Thanks Sarah."