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Member since Sep 3, 2013
Last login Sep 21, 2020
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 7,207
Total listings completed: 7,204
Total listings w/ winner: 7,130
Feedback received: 7,024
Positive feedback: 7,004
Negative feedback: 2
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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BOOG POWELL 1991 Kellogg's Corn Flakes Baseball Greats #13 (view item)
BILL MADLOCK 1992 Kellogg's Corn Flakes All Star #7 (view item)
LOU PINIELLA 1977 Kellogg's 3-D Super stars #48 (view item)
CHRIS CHAMBLISS 1977 Kellogg's 3-D Super Stars #52 (view item)
MICKEY RIVERS 1977 Kellogg's 3-D Super stars #55 (view item)
SPARKY LYLE 1974 Lellogg's 3-D Super Stars #41 (view item)
JOAQUIN ANDUJAR 1980 Kellogg's #-D super Stars #55 (view item)
JOHN CANDELARIA 1977 Kellogg's 3-D Super Stars #7 (view item)
ROBERT GRICH 1977 Kellogg's 3-D Super stars #39 (view item)