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Member since Sep 14, 2013
Last login Apr 6, 2018
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 189
Total listings completed: 182
Total listings w/ winner: 182
Feedback received: 182
Positive feedback: 179
Negative feedback: 0
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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** CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 1 & 2 ** (view item)
Lot #4 of Two NIP Skeins of Patons Kroy Socks FX Washable Wool Yarn (Multi color) (view item)
Lot #2 of Two NIP Skeins of Patons Kroy Socks FX Washable Wool Yarn (teal, green, gray, and brown) (view item)
Yarn Bee Cameo Yarn in Granite **two Full skeins** (view item)
Lot #1 of Two NIP Skeins Patons Kroy Socks Yarn FX 4-ply Washable Wool Yarn (gray, tan, olive green) (view item)
positive feedback for
on Mar 12th, 2014 at 1:33 PM PDT (almost 11 years ago)