"Thank You Very Much!! I received your package in my frozen shut mailbox today!! Smooth transaction! ... " (more) You have been awesome to work with! Again "Thank You!!" Mary Ann"
left positive feedback for
amylia8jones on Mar 4th, 2014 at 4:38 PM PST (almost 11 years ago)
@~~ New Simplicity Pattern for American Girl 18" Doll Clothes(view item)
"Thank You for the swift mailing of this lace!! Thank you for the swift transaction!! I wish all Lis ... " (more)tians were as easy to work with as you!! Thank You!!"
"My daughter recieved the Machine today!! Thank you for all your effort to get it there! My grand ... " (more)daughter can't wait to strt sewing with it!!"
"Thank You for being extremely fast shipper!! I thoroughly enjoyed working with you!! Again! Than ... " (more)k you very much, working with you was amazing!!"
"Thank You! The video cam just landed in my mailbox! I've hooked it up and ready to use!! Thank ... " (more)You! Fast shipping & merchandise in great condition!! Again, Thank You Very Much!!"
"I received it today! Thank You Very Much! I have been having fun with my poms letting them go on wi ... " (more)ld red dot chasing! LOL! They needed to laugh as much as I did!! Thank You Again!! It has been amazingly fun!! Mary Ann"