"thank-you so much , hope you like them , I love the big red flowers . if they do now grow or don ... " (more)39;t do well , let me know , and I will send you some more . sue"
"Fantastic Bidder & A Pleasure to do business with! Thanks for making this auction so interestin ... " (more)g & fun! I hope the recipient Enjoys It! AAAA+Listian & possible co-owner? of S's Soul!! "
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vdavies10 on Nov 4th, 2013 at 3:19 PM PST (over 11 years ago)
VINTAGE MMA Metropolitan Museum of Art Egyptian ANKH Enamel Pin Pendant 1976! 37 YRS OLD!(view item)
"thank you very much i need your email address to send the pic , or did it send it to you through ... " (more)listia , either way if you would like it sent to your email just send me the address i will include some extras , i have several of this male"