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Member since May 7, 2011
Last login Sep 19, 2017
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Total listings: 684
Total listings completed: 683
Total listings w/ winner: 683
Feedback received: 727
Positive feedback: 724
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Roxxi Authentic Signed Autographed Trading Card, TNA Wrestling (view item)
Matt Morgan Authentic Signed Autographed Trading Card, TNA Wrestling (view item)
Super Eric Authentic Signed Autographed Trading Card, TNA Wrestling (view item)
Curry Man Authentic Signed Autographed Trading Card, TNA Wrestling (view item)
Rupert Grint Authentic Signed Autographed Custom Card, Harry Potter Films (view item)
Clifton James Authentic Signed Autographed Trading Card, James Bond, Live and Let Die (view item)
Ryan Riess Authentic Signed Autographed Trading Card, World Series of Poker (view item)
Bob Golic Authentic Signed Autographed Trading Card, NFL, Saved By The Bell (view item)
Jenny Dell Authentic Signed Autographed Trading Card, Topps Allen & Ginter (view item)