left positive feedback for
blacknesskind on Feb 5th, 2014 at 12:54 PM PST (about 11 years ago)
“The Himer” gemstone Bracelet Black Dragons, Tigers Eye Stainless Steel Rebuild Kit(view item)
"Thank you so much. Exactly what you described. and for those that were watching this one, the blue ... " (more) ones were actually purple amethysts. The camera played a trick on all of us!! LOL. "
"These beads are beautiful but was very disappointed when I had to pay a 3rd time for Shipping when ... " (more)its supposed to be for Free! Really....???"
"Please pay attention to how much something is to be mailed out, you left me owing $1.83 and it took ... " (more) me multiple days to go to the post office to get it to let you know it had arrived. Otherwise thank you"